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AND MORE. . . 

Don’t take our word for it. . .

"I Wouldn't See Anyone Else!"

Zach has been my massage therapist for over 5 years and I wouldn’t see anyone else. He is professional yet caring, with great instincts – when to use the right techniques and pressure to relieve my pain and tension. Friends and family have also been very happy with Zach’s work.

Jade W.
B.I.G. Client for 6 Years
Best Food Recommender

"I Credit Zach with Helping Me Heal"

I suffered a back injury in 2017 and was told by the the doctor that I would need an injection to alleviate the pain. However, I decided to try chiropractic and regular massage. I credit Zach with helping me heal and has helped me avoid re-injury ever since. I highly recommend Zach.

Krista P.
B.I.G. Client for 6 Years
Most Self Aware Award

"I Highly Recommend Zach!"

I am in the gym 5 or 6 days a week and believe that deep tissue massage is an important part of muscle recovery. A good deep tissue massage therapist is hard to find. Zach does a great job with overall massage as well as working long term problem areas. I highly recommend Zach!

Nancy G.
B.I.G. Client for 6 Years
Hardest Worker in the Gym

As a rule of thumb, pain shouldn't equal gain. We employ specific techniques that allow you to breath through each movement and won't leave you super sore for days. Don't be alarmed if there are some tight spots that are more painful than others though!
Click this link to schedule your treatment: https://www.vagaro.com/bodyingearmedicalmassage
In some cases no - but generally, everyone would benefit from a plan that has accountability and real producible results. That being said, if you would like to schedule stand-alone treatments, then you are more than welcome!
This is a great question. We cater to individuals that want lasting results and expect a completely customized, yet consistent treatment and plan. This is not a spa massage atmosphere and you are paying for our experience and expertise.
Good news, yes we do! We have added BCBS and Aetna to the roster and are currently growing. Click here to make sure your insurance is accepted before you book an appointment (verification can take 1-2 business days): https://portal.holbie.com/form/V49/YA9
Absolutely! This requires an initial deposit and monthly installments thereafter!